The Kulliyyah of Science, began its operations in the year 2002. It offers studies in various pure and applied branches of the natural sciences.
The Kulliyyah of Science will share with other kulliyyahs, one of the most tastefully designed academic campuses in the world. The architecture of IIUM's campus is inspired by both Islamic traditions and modern ideas of utility. The campus it occupies lie within a forested area that is every nature lover's dream.
Presently, there are three departments :
" Department of Biotechnology
" Department of Biomedical Science
" Department of Computational and Theoretical Sciences
KOS home page
A new course in Malaysia that included diciplinary of Microbiology,Biology and Chemical Engineering . It is a studies in using organism for human benefit like fermentation and medicine production for rare diseases. The future prospect in this course is quite clear as it is in line with the Malaysia government initiatives to earmark biotechnology as one of the five enabling technologies to transform Malaysia into a developed nation by 2020.