(From Dr. Syed Muhamad Naquib al-Attas: ) Knowledge is all the contents of our mind,that is,what is pictured in our mind about something.
During our computer class, there will be a short tazkirah by a group of students weekly.
Let share the tazkirah and hopefully there are something that we can learn..Insya Allah
Islamisation of knowledge with reference to science
"Islamization is the liberation of man from magical,mythological,animistic,national-cultural
tradition opposed to Islam,and from secular control over his reason and his language"..
World view is the frame work within which the mind operate.It is the scheme with which the mind operates and requires knowledge.
Quran encourages man to inquire into and reflect upon the visible world in order to acquire knowledge. As for the absolute realm concerned,
Quran wishes to guide man towards its knowledge.Any science that is concerned with this world,and is not so guided will commit great errors
concerning this metaphysical realm. the guidance of the Quran consists the fact it establishes.